Om os

The services and support we provide are tailored to the needs of specific customers and projects, and with an in-depth understanding of the products, we are aware of the importance of high-quality, on-time delivery and the pressure to meet the manufacturing Planlæg såvel som nøjagtighed og betydning af den seneste rapport. Since our establishment, we have been serving customers and projects in the markets of Canada, South America, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, South Africa, North Africa and Northern Europe.

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  • Duplex rustfrit stål henviser til et materiale, hvis mikrostruktur er sammensat af ferrit og austenit, der hver tegner sig for ca. 50%. Ved faktisk brug er det mere passende, at en af ​​faserne er mellem 40-60%. I henhold til egenskaberne ved den to-fasede struktur ved korrekt kontrol ...